Editing writeups using Mark down functions


Markdown is simply a way content is written in plain text on the web, however, various elements can be applied that make your formatting easier and faster.

Re-structured Text

A restructured text according to Wikipedia is a plain text that has the format of textual data used for technical documentation. I think this means that it is like a raw file that shows the backend of every element used in a text, to make it readable and understandable. So, in restructuring a document, you simply try to organise the documents by ensuring that, one can organise their text in the easiest way possible.

Elements that can be used in markdown


To make a text italics simply add "_" before and after the text.

An example can be seen in the word farm, to change to italics it becomes farm.


To make a text bold dimply put the symbol "**" before and after the text. To make the farmer bold here, it becomes bold.


To create an unordered list using the "* " before each item in a new line for each item.

This way a list will bullet points will want will be shown.

Let's make an unordered (bullet point) list out of Fish, Eggs and milk. It becomes

  • Fish

    • Cat fish

    • Stockfish

    • Dry fish

  • Eggs

  • Milk

To make this list an ordered list with numbers, it becomes

  1. Fish

  2. Eggs

  3. Milk


To add a hyperlink, that is a text that leads to a link. Firstly write the text inside this parenthesis "[]", followed by the link to the site inside a bracket "()". This way it appears as the text, which could lead to other websites. Here, the link can be intext by writing [Click here](google.com). In this Click here appears highlighted and if clicked will lead to the website.
Links can be used to make write-ups more organized as the readers can simply click a link that leads them to a page.


I used the block quotes during the tutorial on markdown elements to show emphasis on a quote, to do this, simply add the greater than sign ">" before the text, and it becomes highlighted and visible, just as it is in this article.


There are about six heading styles, depending on which you want to use, simply but hashtag before the word. The number of hashtags (#) determines the type of heading that wants to be used. So, ## is for Heading two, ### is for Heading three and so on.


Conclusively, one thing is to write, another is to know and understand different ways to format them to be able to have well organised technical documentation, that one can easily assimilate, understand and engage in effectively.