Technical writing is HARD

Technical writing is HARD

Yes, you read the title properly, let us be honest Technical writing "Has to be A Researchable Document", it allows you draft a technical communication, by simply passing a message through a channel. The most important thing is that this message has to be understood by the receivers for communication to be complete. A technical writer has that opportunity to contribute in the IT world while gearing towards research and development.

I believe that technical writing is also relevant to my chosen track which is Data, as data has to do with anything given, and being able to make future predictions by analysing data. Technical writing helps build more context and relate the information that data is trying to provide. Data crosses across every single sphere of life and just like a technical writer, a Data Analyst or Scientist has to think, research and be creative. So you see, technical writing is not hard in the literal sense, but definitely relevant in real life.